Monday, December 10, 2007

Working Downstairs

While we are not done upstairs, we decided to take a crack at working downstairs so we can make it liveable for the holidays. I ordered 20 12' sheets of dry wall. The larger sheets mean less piecework and taping afterward.

Shortly before removing the last of the old plaster on the wall between the LR and the DR:
About an hour later. Jennifer put on the hoodie because we turned the heat off - we left the drywall on the driveway (see previous post) and hauled it in as we needed it. Jennifer suggested this would save us time from moving it first into the garage then into the house.
In a front corner of the LR:
...and after:
The next day, putting the ceiling up in the LR. The T-shaped thing before Jennifer is a prop we used to help hold a 10' sheet up while she scrambled to fasten it. We got two sheets hung on the ceiling - pretty good for two amateurs in a few hours.

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